About the Books for Military Children Website
I am a children's librarian. I created the basis for this site in 2003 as a project for the children's literature class, LIS 303, taught by Betsy Hearne. It was part of the requirements for my Masters in Library and Information Science through the LEEP program from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I was awarded the Jane B. and Robert B. Downs Professional Promise Award and received an invitation to join the Beta Phi Mu honour society in 2005. I highly recommend this wonderful program!
A military spouse Janet Pye Marry

I have been a military spouse for fifteen years and we have four military children of our own. In typical military family style, in the first five years of my marriage we had four children while living in five houses in three different countries.
To find out background why I created this site and what themes, similarities and differences I discovered in the books.
Our family web project, which includes our greater family tree, photo albums and other interesting bits. The PyeWeb
My Father, Jamie Pye, worked for ZLW, Wellington Radio in the 1960's, and has compiled a history of the station at ZLW Remembered with History
My brother, Jim Pye, is a computer consultant and has his own web site, information about his company can be found here PyeNet Universal
He also enjoys bike riding as a past time and has included his adventures here Mountain Biking with Jim Pye in UPPER HUTT New Zealand
Here is a huge and comprehensive information site for children's librarians and anyone else interested in children's literature made by my classmate, Karen Woodworth-Roman, librarians.info.
Here are some other projects I did for my masters degree:
A critique of Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy by Lynley Dodd.
A critique of A Villain's Night Out by Margaret Mahy.
A critique of The Tuatara by Brian Parkinson.
Links on this page checked Ok May 2022